Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Iraqi Blogger Nominee for Literary Award

In today's news, an Iraqi Blogger has made the list for nominees to be considered for British Literary Award, the BBC Four Samuel Johnson Prize. The Blogger, who is an anonymous 20 something year old female from Iraq, has had her blog entries published into a book entitled 'Baghdad Burning'. This nomination is inspiring for many reasons, with one being the emerging consideration blogs are generating. How a subjective online publishing medium like blogging can get the world's attention is testament to the wonder of the internet and it's ability to reach such massive audiences.

Another blog generating online interest due to it's social sensitivity is Postsecret.com, a blog that posts reader's anonymous secrets that are creatively created with images and texts on a postcard and mailed in. Updated on a weekly basis, people send in secrets relating to love, depression, addictions, etc. It seems we as readers associate with the humanity expressed with postcards that may at times speak powerfully to us. A truly fascinating blog.

For full article on the Nominated Blogger, visit here.